Friday, March 1, 2013

fave five of the week!

1. Coming right up: EMERALD CITY COMIC CON. All you Seattle kids better go, since I'm stuck in Colorado writing a thesis.

Who's gonna be there? Well if it were me, I'd be most excited about Felicia Day, especially considering I creepily had a dream about her last night where I asked her to eat dinner with me and play board games with us. Not weird.

Maybe it's cause of this awesome video I saw a while ago of Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, Sandeep Parikh, and STEVE JACKSON himself playing Munchkin. Together. Wut. (Side note: I swear what happens to Sandeep literally happens to me every time I play Munchkin. Oh, and um, yeah. I watched the whole thing.)

Long story short, friends, go to EECC, drink it in for me, have a ball. Tell F-Day to say hi to me on my birthday during Denver Comic Con.

2. Sarah Glidden's first book, How To Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less. I picked this up because I liked her style (as we all know, I'm big into watercolor and ink). Turns out, the timing for me to read this was impeccable: it revolves around her experience on a Birthright Israel trip, and I just submitted my application to go on one this summer. I'm enjoying the book so far--I feel like her sentiments about the Israel/Palestine conflict are pretty similar to mine. And I am way impressed at the amount of research she did before taking a 10-day trip. Maybe I should take a hint...

3. This week's fridge art creations chez moi.

4. This body positive, naked, vegan cooking blog. I should probably be best friends with all of these people. As Eleanor said, "Natalie, this is your jam. And bread." Naked vegan cooking friends! Love me back!!!

5. Latest character creation: Moishe Mouse, for Moishe House Chicago, who housed and loved me during my time there! And what a wonderful time it was.

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